Ukraine `keeps an eye` on Israel’s Patriot shield

Avatar of Xavier By Xavier May2,2024 #Israel #Patriot #Ukraine
Ukraine `keeps an eye` on Israel's Patriot shield 0
Ukraine `keeps an eye` on Israel's Patriot shield 0

(Dan Tri) – After Israel announced its decision to eliminate the US-made Patriot air defense system, the Ukrainian side made a `sound` move to receive these shields.

A Patriot system (Photo: US Army).

Earlier this week, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that the country would gradually phase out Patriot surface-to-air missile systems in favor of more modern domestic air defense systems such as Iron Dome and David’s.

It is unclear what will happen to these systems.

Oleksandr Merezhko, chairman of the Ukrainian parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said: `It would be logical if Israel gave us its Patriot system, because it would help us destroy Iranian drones.`

`We are happy to receive any weapons that can help us protect our cities and intercept Russian missiles and drones,` he added.

Previously, Russia and Iran repeatedly denied accusations from the West that Moscow used Tehran’s UAVs in the war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country needs at least seven more Patriot systems, or other equivalent systems, to protect cities and frontline positions from missile attacks,

President Zelensky said Ukraine needs 25 such complexes to protect the entire country.

Ivan Stupak, a former officer of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and advisor to the committee on security, national defense and intelligence of the Ukrainian parliament, said: `We really need the Patriot system to stop the planes.`

It is unclear whether Kiev has negotiated with the US or Israel about receiving these systems.

Israel is still maintaining a neutral stance in the Russia-Ukraine war.

In April last year, Ukraine received its first two Patriot systems from the US and Germany.

In April this year, Germany announced that it would provide Ukraine with another Patriot complex.

Patriot is capable of intercepting a variety of targets from the air, including fighter aircraft, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.

Meanwhile, last month, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced that America’s air defense capabilities are spread across the globe so they no longer have any Patriot complexes left to send to Ukraine.

`US Patriot systems are being deployed around the world, including in the Middle East, to protect US troops. If we can find more surplus Patriot batteries, we will send them out

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By Xavier

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