Why did Mr. Trump defy the risks to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Avatar of Daniel By Daniel Jun8,2024 #Israel #Jerusalem #Trump
Why did Mr. Trump defy the risks to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? 0
Why did Mr. Trump defy the risks to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? 0

(Dan Tri) – Even though he knew that recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would spark anger in the Arab and Muslim communities, US President Donald Trump still decided to change the status of this land, regardless of the status of the land.

US President Donald Trump signed a declaration recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (Photo: AFP/Getty)

After President Donald Trump’s December 6 announcement, the US officially became the first country to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Potential risks

In statements criticizing President Trump’s decision, many countries also warned the US about many unpredictable consequences that could occur.

Besides, experts believe that this unexpected decision by President Trump could destroy relationships and US foreign policy goals.

And certainly President Trump is probably aware of these risks.

Building the image of a tough leader?

Many debates have arisen around the issue of whether Mr. Trump personally and the United States will benefit from changing the status of Jerusalem when this action carries so many potential risks.

CNN quoted observers saying that Mr. Trump’s recent record low approval rating may be one of the main reasons why Mr. Trump made the decision about Jerusalem.

Also according to CNN, Mr. Trump is worried about losing support and is gradually taking steps to regain trust from conservatives.

The announcement to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem will realize Mr. Trump’s commitment during the election campaign, thereby helping him win over voters, wealthy Republican donors and policy supporters.

Besides, recognizing Jerusalem also helps Mr. Trump satisfy Israel, especially when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was one of Mr. Trump’s supporters during the election campaign.

Intelligent Update


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By Daniel

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