Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea

Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea 1
Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea 1

(Dan Tri) – Born into a family of Korean refugees, experiencing poverty and being detained because of youth activist movements, Mr. Moon Jae-in has gradually overcome everything.

Journey to the Blue House of the President-elect of Korea

Before Mr. Moon Jae-in was born in January 1953, his parents fled from North Korea to the southeastern region of South Korea during the inter-Korean war.

Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea

Mr. Moon began participating in the anti-government movement in 1969 when President Park Chung-hee, father of Ms. Park Geun-hye (now Mr. Moon’s predecessor), sought to change the Constitution to prepare

Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea

Due to his involvement in the anti-government movement, Mr. Moon was arrested and detained in Seoul.

Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea

In 1980, Mr. Moon passed the bar exam and completed his studies at the Institute of Judicial Research and Training two years later.

Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea

Mr. Moon (left) and his colleagues worked as independent human rights lawyers in 1982. (Photo: Korea Times)

Mr. Moon Jae-in: Journey from son of a North Korean refugee family to president of South Korea

Wedding of Mr. Moon Jae-in and Mrs. Kim Jung-sook (Photo: Korea Times)

Mr. Moon took a photo with his wife, son and daughter when he was a lawyer.

Mr. Moon initially showed no interest in politics despite being persuaded by his friend Roh Moo-hyun to join politics.

Mr. Moon then still did not feel really passionate about politics and still wanted to work as a lawyer.

Mr. Moon joined the Democratic Party to continue the work of his late friend and decided to run for president of Korea in 2012. However, he accepted defeat with a narrow result against rival Park Geun.

Mr. Moon, candidate of the Democratic Party, spoke to hundreds of supporters during the 2012 presidential election. (Photo: Korea Times)

After losing the 2012 election, Mr. Moon continued to raise hopes of running again and participating in this year’s Korean presidential election.

The results of the election on May 9 showed that Mr. Moon Jae-in won 41.1% of the vote, far ahead of his opponents in the race for the Blue House.



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