Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term

Avatar of Daniel By Daniel Jun8,2024 #fourth #Putin
Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term 3
Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term 3

(Dan Tri) – In the early afternoon of May 7, Vladimir Putin was sworn in as president for a fourth term in the presence of about 5,000 people at the Kremlin in Moscow.

Video of President Putin’s inauguration ceremony:

Mr. Putin’s inauguration ceremony ended after about 45 minutes.

President Putin chats with people outside the Kremlin after the inauguration ceremony

Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term
Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term
Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term

President Putin witnessed the team review ceremony

After the oath-taking ceremony, President Putin witnessed the team review ceremony at the Kremlin yard.

After Mr. Putin took the oath of office, Russia fired 30 rounds of cannons to welcome President Putin’s inauguration.

Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term

Solve the most complex problems

President Putin affirmed his belief that Russia will achieve a breakthrough when the whole country comes together and can `solve any problem`.

“We need breakthroughs in all areas of life.

“The road ahead is not easy, but it is always a difficult search.

According to Mr. Putin, “Our goal is Russia for the Russian people, a country that opens opportunities for personal development to everyone.

Ready for dialogue and promotion of investment

President Putin affirmed that he will focus all efforts to ensure that every family in Russia prospers in every way.

In his inauguration speech, he also mentioned joint cultural cooperation projects with partners.

Mr. Putin was sworn in for a fourth term

Journalists are watching Putin’s inauguration ceremony at a press conference room in Moscow (Photo: Reuters)

President Putin spoke after taking the oath

President Putin said Russia needs development in all fields and that can only be guaranteed in a free society.

“We need to build trust in our society.

`I believe it is my duty to make every effort to bring peace and prosperity to Russia,` President Putin said.

“We should develop areas where we have always been strong, as well as areas where we have not done enough.

President Putin said he believes that `Russia’s peaceful and prosperous future is the duty and meaning` of his life.

“This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Russian Constitution, the document that enshrined the rights of our people.

Mr. Putin took the oath of office

Mr. Putin read the oath of office

At around 4 p.m. Vietnam time this afternoon, Mr. Putin was sworn in for his fourth term in the presence of a large number of guests at the Andereevsky Hall inside the Kremlin.

`I swear to exercise the powers of the President of the Russian Federation to protect the rights and freedoms of the people, to observe and defend the Constitution of the Russian Federation to protect sovereignty, independence, security,

After President Putin took the oath, Chief Justice of the Russian Constitutional Court Valery Zorkin gave Mr. Putin the symbol of power and announced that he officially began his term.

Mr. Putin walked towards Andereevsky Hall amid everyone’s applause

Mr. Putin moved from his office in the Kremlin to his inauguration venue

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, a number of foreign officials are expected to attend President Putin’s inauguration today, including Czech President Milos Zeman and former German Prime Minister Gerhard Schroder.

About 3,000 people attended President Putin’s inauguration in 2012. Russian television predicts that there will be more than 5,000 people attending Putin’s inauguration today, double the number of previous years.

From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. today (local time), two routes, Ilinka Street and Moskvoretskaya in Moscow, will be blocked.

According to Moscow Times, President Putin’s inauguration ceremony is expected to last about 50 minutes.

After the ceremony and short speech, Mr. Putin is expected to announce the name of the new prime minister.

Moscow Times said this was the first time Mr. Putin held an inauguration ceremony without the presence of his ex-wife, Lyudmila, because he and his wife divorced in 2013.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Yle)

According to RT, Mr. Putin will be sworn in at Andereevsky Hall inside the Kremlin in Moscow.

Previously, Mr. Putin was re-elected president of Russia in the election on March 18 with more than 76% of the votes in favor, the highest number of votes in the presidential elections in which he ran.

Mr. Putin held power for two consecutive terms from 2000-2008, before transferring the `hot seat` to Mr. Dmitry Medvedev because the Russian constitution only allows a president to serve two consecutive terms.

People take souvenir photos before Mr. Putin’s inauguration ceremony at the Kremlin on May 7 (Photo: Reuters)

During his 18 years in power, whether as prime minister or president, Mr. Putin steered Russia back to stability after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

But when Mr. Putin enters his fourth term, analysts say that the 65-year-old politician will face significant challenges.

People walk on the Kremlin red carpet to attend Putin’s inauguration ceremony (Photo: Reuters)

Regarding domestic affairs, Mr. Putin emphasized the goal of stable and sustainable development of Russia.

Regarding foreign affairs, Mr. Putin will have to lead Russia to overcome international isolation after consecutive Western sanctions.

An Binh – Thanh Dat

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By Daniel

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