Truong Tu Di returned brilliantly, determined to regain her glory after the divorce

Avatar of Caroline By Caroline May16,2024 #brilliantly #Truong
Truong Tu Di returned brilliantly, determined to regain her glory after the divorce 3
Truong Tu Di returned brilliantly, determined to regain her glory after the divorce 3

(Dan Tri) – As the main actress in the movie `She’s Got No Name` (Xiang Yuanlong), Chinese movie star Zhang Ziyi is expected to be present at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival taking place in France.

For nearly 8 months, since the divorce announcement, Zhang Ziyi quickly rearranged her work and life.

Among them, the movie She’s Got No Name (Tuong Vien Long) with the participation of Zhang Ziyi received the attention of the audience.

Tuong Vien Long has the participation of a cast of Chinese A-list actors such as Zhang Ziyi, Trieu Le Dinh, Duong Mich, Ly Hien, Dich Duong Thien Ty…

Zhang Ziyi in the movie `Xiang Yuen Long` (Photo: Sohu).

The film is based on one of the most famous unsolved murder cases in China.

The film revolves around a wife, Zhou Zhanshi (Zhang Ziyi), who is accused of bloody dismembering her husband’s body – a murder that seems impossible to carry out alone.

The murder pushed Chu Chiem Thi into the center of public attention before the court, forcing her to face a fate tied to the fate of the country at that time.

To bring this work to the silver screen, director Tran Kha Tan spent nearly 9 years, from filming in 2015 to closing in 2023.

Director Tran Kha Tan said he was fascinated by the life of the character Chu Chiem Thi.

Director Chen Kha Tan confided that he wanted to collaborate with Zhang Ziyi for more than two decades, which was a dream that he finally realized in She’s Got No Name.

For the audience who loves Zhang Ziyi, the return of Dai Hoa Dan is really worth looking forward to.

Truong Tu Di returned brilliantly, determined to regain her glory after the divorce

`Tuong Vien Long` is expected at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival (Photo: Cannes).

For many years, Zhang Ziyi has been one of the `four great flowers` of Chinese cinema and is famous in the world.

The 45-year-old actress is highly appreciated for her Asian beauty and diverse acting style.

After getting married in 2015, Zhang Ziyi no longer acted in films.

In addition to acting, Zhang Ziyi also owns many valuable advertising contracts.

Truong Tu Di returned brilliantly, determined to regain her glory after the divorce

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng ended their 8-year marriage in 2023 (Photo: Sina).

In October 2023, Chinese media reported that Zhang Ziyi and Uong Phong announced their divorce on their personal pages, ending their 8-year marriage.

The actress and her ex-husband said they broke up peacefully and hoped the audience would not `dig up`, speculate or spread false news.

Uong Phong’s ex-lover, former model Cat Hoi Tiep, also praised Zhang Ziyi’s wisdom in divorcing the famous Chinese rocker.

Cat Hoi Tiep once gave birth to a daughter for Uong Phong, who was with him for about 3 years, but they did not get married.

Cat Hoi Tiep also revealed that Zhang Ziyi had to endure a lot of pain and struggle to `play` a happy family in public.

Truong Tu Di returned brilliantly, determined to regain her glory after the divorce

After the divorce, Zhang Ziyi quickly returned to work and rebuilt her name (Photo: Sina).

Under pressure from the media, Zhang Ziyi and Uong Phong did not respond to the rumors surrounding their broken marriage.

According to Chinese media, after the divorce, Zhang Ziyi was determined to rebuild her career.

Director Zhang Yimou, who discovered Zhang Ziyi’s talent and made her a famous star, once said about the actress: `She doesn’t just rely on luck, she works hard and dares to take risks.`

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