Russian presidential election: Mr. Putin is sure of victory

Russian presidential election: Mr. Putin is sure of victory 0
Russian presidential election: Mr. Putin is sure of victory 0

(Dan Tri) – From March 15-17, the Russian presidential election will take place, but before that, some special areas have conducted early voting.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: TASS/Getty).

Conditions to run for election?

Under the previous constitution, Vladimir Putin would have left the presidency after his second consecutive term ended in 2024.

However, constitutional amendments approved by the Russian people in a referendum last year allow him to run for re-election for two more terms, with each term lasting 6 years.

If he wins the upcoming vote as the latest forecasts show, Mr. Putin, 71 years old, will continue to lead Russia for a fifth term. After that, if he is healthy enough and has other conditions, he can

Many observers believe that the above scenario will likely become reality because Mr. Putin is an almost `invincible` politician.

Requirements for presidential candidates intending to run for election are not too strict.

After being nominated and opening a special account at the Russian Federal Savings Bank Sberbank, candidates are allowed to start campaigning.

Who can participate in voting?

Like in many countries around the world, in Russia, all citizens aged 18 and over have the right to vote, as long as they have not been declared incapable of voting by a court or that citizen is in prison.

Citizens who vote need to have a Russian Federation passport or other identification documents.

What are the election rules and procedures?

The President of Russia is selected through direct votes of voters.

Russia does not have a vice president, the Russian president appoints a cabinet with a prime minister.

A special point is that due to its large territory spanning 9 time zones, including many remote areas, Russia allows some areas to vote early, the first place to vote is on February 25.

Due to the development of modern technology and partly due to concerns about security risks, Russian citizens can vote online (DEV) without going to a ballot box location.

All voting will end on March 17 and vote counting will begin immediately.

Mr. Putin is sure of victory

Currently, the list of candidates participating in the presidential election has been announced by the CEC including: Incumbent President Vladimir Putin;

The latest report published on March 12 by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center stated: `The estimated voter turnout rate in the upcoming Russian presidential election is 71%. Incumbent President Vladimir

Russian presidential election: Mr. Putin is sure of victory

A meeting of the Central Election Commission on the Russian presidential election (Photo: RIA Novosti).

Russia increased security for the election

The number of patrol teams has increased to ensure security in the capital Moscow and major Russian cities, so that the Russian presidential election taking place from March 15-17 can be conducted smoothly.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian National Guard, their forces increased inspection and supervision of polling stations to prevent illegal actions.

Previously, several countries issued warnings about the risk of terrorist attacks in Moscow and called on their citizens to leave Russia.

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