Solution for families who own cars when they do not have enough finances

Avatar of Caroline By Caroline Apr16,2024 #families #Solution
Solution for families who own cars when they do not have enough finances 6
Solution for families who own cars when they do not have enough finances 6

(Dan Tri) – With reasonable interest rates and a variety of financial loan packages, many people have planned to buy a car to serve their family while still ensuring future savings.

Buying a car – a new investment trend for families

At the age of 36, after buying a car, Mr. Cong Hoang (manager of a media company, Ho Chi Minh City) began planning to take his family on a trip.

`I worked hard from the moment I graduated, until I got married and had children, and the amount of work became more and more. Now the children are strong and their parents are elderly, so they decided to buy a car for the whole family to travel.

However, Mr. Hoang admitted that financing a car purchase is still his top concern.

Mr. Hoang recounted: `Some close people said I should wait a few more years until I have enough money, but I think if I can quickly enjoy the quality of life and serve myself and my family, then

In addition to wanting to experience it with his family, according to Mr. Hoang, the record drop in loan interest rates had a significant impact on his decision to buy a car.

Many people boldly spend money to buy cars for their families.

Many favorable factors make car loans cheaper

From the beginning of 2024 until now, car loan interest rates have been adjusted downward many times, helping car buyers access loan capital at a more reasonable cost.

Besides, TFSVN is also a leader in market trends by creating many flexible car loan products according to customer needs.

Through careful consideration, TFSVN’s Traditional loan package was chosen by Mr. Cong Hoang to buy a car, with a loan interest rate of only 1.99%/year.

Solution for families who own cars when they do not have enough finances

Loan packages from TFSVN are a priority for customers from young to middle-aged.

Not prioritizing a long loan period like Mr. Hoang, Ms. Phuong Lan – another TFSVN customer – plans to pay off the car loan in 3 years.

`The Balloon loan package has a monthly installment rate that is 25% lower than a normal installment loan, because there is a grace period for principal to be paid at the end of the term. Stable interest rate, additional installments calculated on reduced outstanding balance

Specifically, Ms. Lan paid 20% in advance for the Toyota Vios worth 458 million VND (equivalent to 91.6 million VND).

Solution for families who own cars when they do not have enough finances

TFSVN offers a variety of car loan packages, stable interest rates and special incentives.

Even though they have savings and a stable income, when buying a car, most customers like Mr. Hoang and Ms. Lan choose to get help from financial companies.

Currently in April, TFSVN has special incentives for customers choosing Traditional and Balloon loan packages, with interest rates from 1.99%/year, fixed for the first 6 months and 7.99%/year for the next 6 months.

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