Mr. Putin revealed what he will tell his successor

Avatar of Aurora By Aurora Jun6,2024 #Putin #successor
Mr. Putin revealed what he will tell his successor 0
Mr. Putin revealed what he will tell his successor 0

(Dan Tri) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the time will come when Russian voters will choose his successor and then he will have something to say to his successor.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: TASS).

Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 30 had a dialogue with the people online.

`That day will come, I hope I can say who is worthy to lead a great country like Russia,` Mr. Putin said, revealing he would give advice to his successor on how to

In a previous interview, Mr. Putin stated that he was willing to support a person loyal to the country to succeed him, even if that person had views that were critical of him.

Since 2000, Mr. Putin has steered Russia by holding senior government positions such as president and prime minister.

During yesterday’s dialogue, Mr. Putin answered a series of questions related to many different fields.

In addition, he also affirmed that there is no international conspiracy related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Answering a question related to the hypothesis that the virus causing the Covid-19 pandemic is of artificial origin, Mr. Putin said: `That is another issue. Whether the virus is artificial or not artificial, the important issue is what to do.`

Regarding foreign affairs, Mr. Putin said that the recent incident when British warships violated Russian waters near the Crimean peninsula was clearly a `provocative` action by both Britain and the United States.

The Kremlin owner also said that although America knows the world is changing, it still seeks to maintain its dominant position.

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By Aurora

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