The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Sep10,2024
The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology 3
The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology 3

Let’s explore 7 monsters considered terrifying in Chinese mythology below:

1. Thao Thiet

Thao Thiet is one of the Four Great Beasts of ancient China.

2. Hinh Thien

According to legend, Hing Thien was once an ordinary person, a warrior who challenged Emperor Xuanyuan.

Due to being decapitated, Hinh Thien’s appearance is described as very strange, with two nipples instead of two and eyes and belly instead of a mouth.

The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology

3. Same period

Like Thao Thiet, Cung Ky was classified as one of the Four Great Beasts of ancient times.

At the same time, people were described as preferring to use their noses. When they met a scholarly person, they would eat the whole person. When they met a faithful person, they would eat their nose separately. When they met an evildoer, they would offer evil animals and encourage them to do more evil.

The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology

4. Year

Nien is a creature shaped like a dragon with four legs, living in high mountains.

The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology

5. Kneel

Kui is a creature recorded in Ancient Strange Beasts.

The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology

6. Ba Xa

Chinese mythology has many legends about dragons, and Ba Xa is one of them.

Ba Xa is a type of dragon with an oblong shape like a python, up to 90m long, and specializes in stalking elephant meat.

The 7 scariest monsters that scare everyone in Chinese mythology

7. Nhan Xa

Nhan Xa is a strange animal.

Legend has it that Nhan Xa likes to eat people, so when he meets someone, he will laugh loudly and then eat them whole.

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