Chris Hemsworth himself fought to keep the `Fat Thor` look throughout Endgame… because he found it attractive

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Sep9,2024
Chris Hemsworth himself fought to keep the `Fat Thor` look throughout Endgame... because he found it attractive 3
Chris Hemsworth himself fought to keep the `Fat Thor` look throughout Endgame... because he found it attractive 3

It can be said that the consequences of the Infinity Snap at the end of Infinity War were extremely severe.

That’s why after 5 years of living in pain and torment, the superheroes were determined to gather together again in Avengers: Endgame.

However, to get this result they had to go through many changes from thinking, appearance to even fate.

In this appearance, he is no longer the mighty and majestic god he once was, but instead is a desolate and self-indulgent Thor, making many people extremely heartbroken.

He has completely changed to become fat, beer-bellied, addicted to alcohol, likes to play video games and is whiny.

The reason is completely appropriate, but many fans have wondered why Thor didn’t lose weight after regaining his composure.

Chris Hemsworth himself fought to keep the `Fat Thor` look throughout Endgame... because he found it attractive

Recently, this issue was revealed by Chris Hemsworth, shocking many audiences.

Chris said: `I love that version of Thor. It’s completely different from what I’ve done before about the character. And it deserves to have its own life.`

He shared more about the fun things about wearing extra accessories to make him look fat and saggy: `Everyone in the film crew kept cuddling me like a big bear and rubbing my belly like I was

Chris Hemsworth himself fought to keep the `Fat Thor` look throughout Endgame... because he found it attractive

This decision by Chris is extremely correct. Perhaps up to now, fans have been too familiar with Chris Hemsworth’s `six-pack` image in shirtless scenes in Thor.

At the end of Endgame, we saw that `beer belly` Thor entrusted the responsibility of protecting Asgard to Valkyrie, he wanted to live the life he wanted.

Chris Hemsworth himself fought to keep the `Fat Thor` look throughout Endgame... because he found it attractive

This means that Thor has given up his position as prince of Asgard and joined as a member of the Guardians.

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