The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy`

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Aug26,2024
The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy` 4
The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy` 4

Vegetables are an important food source that provides protein, vitamins and other essential nutrients for the body.

In addition, on the market today there are also agricultural products that are extremely expensive because they require a lot of effort and time from growers.

Pink lettuce or pink lettuce is a new vegetable that has recently appeared.

This type of mushroom imported from Taiwan is charged per piece.

The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy`

This little-heard vegetable is commonly used for fermentation in the largest kitchens in the world.

Grown on an island off the west coast of France called Noirmoutier, La Bonnotte potatoes cost about 16 million/kg.

The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy`

This type of mushroom cannot be cultivated but grows naturally in some parts of Europe.

Hearing the price of this mushroom is even more shocking.

The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy`
The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy`

Source: India Time

The 5 most expensive vegetables in the world that only the super-rich dare to spend money to buy, some of them cost billions of dollars and `makes your face dizzy`

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